Podcast Listening for Adults

A podcast is a series of on-demand audio files that focus on a certain topic or have an overall theme. They are free to listeners and can be downloaded online, via smartphones, computers, or tablets. Thousands of podcasts are produced weekly, and listeners can subscribe to their favorite podcasts to get notified when a new episode becomes available. As of Q4 2023, podcasts have a 20% share of ad-supported audio by adults 18+. 5

Female Podcast Listeners

Gen Z Podcast Listeners

Black Podcast Listeners

Latino Podcast Listeners

Sources: 1) The Infinite Dial 2024-Edison Research/Audacy/Cumulus Media/SiriusXM Media; 2) The Infinite Dial 2024-Edison Research/Audacy/Cumulus Media/SiriusXM Media: A Look at Hispanics & African Americans; 3) Pew Research, Survey of U.S. adults conducted Dec 5-11, 2022; 4) Edison Research, "Share of Ear," Q1-Q4 2022.; 5) Edison Research, "Share of Ear," Q1 2016 - Q4 2023; 6) Edison Research, Women's Podcast Report 2022, A18+; 7) Edison Research, Gen Z Podcast Listener Report 2023; 8) Black Podcast Listener Report 2.0, Edison Research; 9) PwC/IAB Full Year 2022 Podcast Ad Revenue Study; 10) Edison Research, Latino Podcast Listener Report 2023; 11) Disqo Report, Proving the power of podcast ads, May 2023; 12) Average Monthly Downloads of Networks measured by Triton Podcast Metrics from January - December 2023; 13) Edison Research, "Share of Ear," Q2 2017 - Q2 2023; 14) 2023 MRI-Simmons Fall Doublebase; 15) Podcast episode trends, Buzzsprout Platform Statistics, March 2023;  16) Cumulus Media and Signal Hill Insights' Podcast Download - Spring 2024 Report; 17) Edison Podcast Metrics Q2 2022 - Q1 2023; 18) Triton U.S. Podcast Ranker Average Weekly Downloads from January - December 2023

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