Audio joins consumers throughout their daily rituals more than any other medium

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Understand the role of audio, and how it fits into the rituals that make up people's lives – their commutes, workouts, preparing for the day ahead and other daily activities.

Key Findings:

Consumers intentionally carve out routine time in their day to tune in to audio. While engaging in "audio rituals," listeners are more likely to follow related audio ads to make purchase decisions.

Key Takeaways:

  • 74% of listeners consume audio during their daily rituals.
  • 40% of listeners plan their day/activities around audio content- audio IS a ritual.
  • Audio is part of more rituals than any other medium (11 for audio compared to 8 for online/streaming video, 6 for scrolling social media and 5 for broadcast/cable television.)
  • Audio infuses dull and routine daily rituals with energy and purpose.
  • Audio rituals span the consumer's entire day.
Source: Audacy Ritual Study; Audacy in partnership with Alter Agents, Ethnographic data, N=48, Audio listeners A18-64, May 2022

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