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Ask, listen and speak

Many media sales reps stroll into a first meeting talking about "their" personalities and "their" rankings and "their" packages, before asking any questions about the prospective client's business.

Oftentimes, they then spend more of their prospect's precious time negatively positioning other stations in the market. By the time they leave the appointment, they know little more about the person's business than when they came.

Most people have an impression of a superstar salesperson as being an "interesting extrovert." However, in this day and age, there may be an equal number of media sales superstars who are more the "interested introvert" type.

It is more beneficial to spend your appointment time asking thoughtful questions about your clients and their businesses, and then listening with interest to the answers they provide. Only then will you know more about where you can provide value when you speak.

Source: Sales consultant Michael Guld