RAB Insights

RAB Research Archive

Missed opportunity

An agency principal in a large market recently complained how difficult it is to reach most radio stations to inquire about advertising. He said: “Some stations publish names on their web site, email addresses, and phone numbers; however, most do not. Typically, I have to fill out an online form and I rarely receive a response. Some stations don’t publish any sales contact info at all. This is complete and total inept sales marketing.”

Do a quick search right now on your stations’ sites. How easy is it to find contact information and make it easy for a prospective advertiser to reach you? If you have a web contact form, fill it out and see how quickly you get a response.

The agency executive went on to say: “For the life of me, I cannot figure out why this occurs, but it makes buying radio much more difficult than most media.” Let’s make it easy for advertisers and quit missing opportunities.

John Potter, SVP/Professional Development, RAB