
Gordon Borrell Joins RAB to Present Survey Findings during “What Advertisers Are Planning for the Last Half of 2023”

RAB will be joined by Gordon Borrell, chief executive officer, Borrell Associates, for the upcoming presentation “What Advertisers Are Planning for the Last Half of 2023.”

During the presentation, Borrell will present the latest Spring Local Advertiser Survey results. The report, which features local-direct ad buyers and local agencies, will reveal:

  • What they’re buying
  • How much they are spending
  • How they are changing their spending patterns for the latter part of 2023

Sellers attending the presentation will learn what’s top of mind among local advertisers and what sellers can do to grow their revenue.

The presentation takes place at noon CT on Wednesday, August 9, and features:



Gordon Borrell


Registration for the presentation is free for RAB members. The presentation will also be available for on-demand viewing. To register, click here.

We will continue to update you as we announce upcoming information on future live presentations and additional RAB efforts.