
Horizon Media Rejoins RAB for “Top Cultural Trends of 2023” Live Presentation

The year 2022 saw various cultural shifts affecting consumers' perceptions of brands. Horizon Media has tracked the various shifts and identified key trends for 2023 and what it means for advertisers.

At noon CT on Wednesday, March 8, RAB is pleased to be rejoined by Maxine Gurevich, senior vice president, cultural intelligence for Horizon Media’s Why Group alongside Courtney Mota, vice president, cultural intelligence for Horizon Media’s Why Group, as they will present the nine cultural trends from their “Top Trends 2023” study. This live presentation will provide radio sellers with actionable insights to share with their local advertising clients to create more relevant and impactful campaigns.



Registration for the presentation is free for RAB members. The presentation will also be available for on-demand viewing. To register, click here.

We will continue to update you as we announce upcoming information on future live presentations and additional RAB efforts.