Audio ads outperform video for attention and brand recall

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Measure the attentiveness of AM/FM radio ads and podcasts as compared to all visual advertising. Note: Attentiveness is defined by the Advertising Research Federation as “the degree to which those exposed to the advertising are focused on it.”

Key Findings:

AM/FM radio and podcast ads have the highest attentiveness of all media formats, surpassing online display, online video, social, and TV.

Key Takeaways:

  • Attention is important: The greater the time duration that an ad is heard and seen, the greater the sales conversion.
  • Audio has +56% greater attentiveness scores versus Dentsu norms, +128% stronger than TV.
  • Audio generates +8% higher brand recall versus Dentsu norms, +14% greater than online video and display.
  • AM/FM radio is eight times more cost effective than TV and eleven times more cost efficient than Dentsu’s “attention cost per thousand” media benchmark. Podcasts are +43% more cost efficient than Dentsu’s “attention CPM” norm.
Source: Dentsu Attention Economy Study 2023, conducted by Lumen, P13-69

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