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Instant Backgrounds - Wireless Industry and Lawn & Garden have been updated.

One Voice for Radio resources to help you navigate, understand and share Nielsen’s 3-Minute Qualifier impact.

Media Facts updates – Digital Audio/Satellite Radio

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"The Seven Steps Series - Appointments" on April 2nd at 12 PM CT – register now.

The Misperceptions of Radio section contains the 10 commonly-held misperceptions of radio, and a collection of Power Point slides to help you have a fact-based conversation with your clients about the power of radio.

Listen to the Radio on Main Street Podcast to hear interviews with creators, marketers, researchers and all others who use radio to connect and inform audiences.


Employment Industry

Why Americans are working less

Full-time employees in the U.S. have been working fewer hours per week for the past five years. What are the implications for employees and their organizations? And what's driving the trend? Gallup finds that average hours worked have dropped progressively since 2019 when U.S. employees reported working an average of 44.1 hours. In 2024, they work 42.9 hours per week.

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Home Health Care

Home health does not outperform self-care for many knee patients

In-home care has long been considered a key component in ensuring optimal recovery from knee replacements, but self-care appears to be as effective for many patients. Patients who receive home-based care following a total knee arthroplasty do not uniformly report better outcomes than those who recover via self-care at home, according to a study from the Cleveland Clinic.

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Lawn and Garden

Do we adore our outdoor spaces? ICFA releases new consumer research on porch and patio living in 2025

The International Casual Furnishings Association recently published its annual 2025 Outdoor Living Trend Report, including the results of a new consumer survey and details on the latest product introductions by furniture manufacturers. The research, conducted independently by Wakefield Research, revealed that 77 percent of consumers do not spend as much time outside at home as they would like to, and 54 percent have little or no outdoor furnishings or need to replace everything.

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